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Remarkable French banknotes from the 19th century

55 verzamelobjecten

A selection well worth the paper it’s written on!

Following the failure of the post-revolutionary assignats and the mandats territoriaux in France, paper money had fallen out of favor. In the aftermath of the Coup of 18 Brumaire, where the Directory was overthrown and replaced with the French Consulate, the country’s political situation found a new footing in a turbulent economic climate.

At the initiative of bankers, the Bank of France was finally founded in 1800, issuing its first banknotes in the process. Although the banknotes were not a success at first, they began to become a permanent way of life by the middle of the century.

Here is a carefully selected collection of the first “modern” banknotes, often rare, issued by France over the course of the 19th century.

View the collection

Painting: “Coffret” by the AI program Midjourney (2023) (All rights reserved)

Frankrijk 5 Francs

Noir, 1873, 1873-05-01, SPL, Fayette:1.18, KM:60

Frankrijk 100 Francs

...-1889 Circulated during XIXth, INDICES NOIRS, 1872

Frankrijk 5 Francs

1873, 1873-02-27, SPL, Fayette:F1.15), KM:60

Biljet Frankrijk

500 Francs, 1888, 1928-02-01, B+, KM:66k

Biljet Frankrijk

500 Francs, 1888, 1927-03-10, TB, KM:66k

Biljet Frankrijk

500 Francs, 1888, 1937-08-05, B+, Fayette:31.1, KM:88a

Biljet Frankrijk

50 Francs, 50 F 1889-1927 ''Bleu et Rose'', 1899, 1899-03-30

Frankrijk 20 Francs

Noir, 1874-12-11, W.166, TB

Biljet Frankrijk

100 Francs, 100 F 1888-1909 ''Bleu et Rose'', 1896

Frankrijk 100 Francs

Bleu et Rose, 1895-05-09, Z.1752, SUP

Frankrijk 5 Francs

Noir, 1873-09-04, Z.3065, UNC 64, PMG

Frankrijk 5 Francs

Noir, 1872-01-11, D.98, AU 58, PMG

Selectie gepubliceerd op 07/11/2023