Billete, 1 Ruble, 1898
Rusia - KM:15 - RC+
Like #1 but control # instead of serial #. 13 signature varieties. Top signature Shipov.
Prefix letters HA001-127.
Note: Some of the Shipov notes were later printed by the Provisional Government and also by the Soviet Government. They will have higher prefix letter-number combinations. They are also lighter in color than those originally printed during the Czarist per
Blue on brown underprint.
1898 in France
In that year, France was in its Third Republic. Émile Zola published “J’accuse...!” in the newspaper L’Aurore. The Dreyfus Affair and Zola’s trial made headlines all year long.
The same year saw the foundation of the General Electric Company (CGE) and the French League for Human Rights (LDH). In Paris, crowds thronged to visit the first Motor Show, held in the Tuileries Gardens. Louis Renault and Edward Richet created the Renault Type A, work began on Paris Métro Line 1, and the Curies announced the discovery of radium.