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USA, Dollar, 1983

San Francisco - Srebro - MS(63) - KM:209

Jakość MS(63)
Jeśli chcesz, możesz zamówić certyfikat autentyczności lub ocenę tego przedmiotu kolekcjonerskiego po dodaniu go do koszyka.
Szczegółowy opis

26.69 gr.

  • Państwo: USA
  • Nominał: Dollar
  • Rok: 1983
  • Nazwa mennicy: San Francisco
  • Skład: Srebro
  • Znak menniczy: D
  • Próba: 0.90000000000000002
  • Średnica: 38.1
  • Przedmiot: 1984 Los Angeles Olympics - Discus
  • Wielkość emisji: 174014
Odniesienia do elementu kolekcji
  • KM: 209
Odniesienie do katalogu NumisCorner: 1158810
USA, Dollar, 1983, San Francisco, Srebro, MS(63), KM:209

Gwarancje autentyczności

Nasza firma rodzinna jest całkowicie poświęcona numizmatyce od momentu jej założenia w 1977 roku.


  • Przedmioty wycenione i uwierzytelnione przez dwóch ekspertów w dziedzinie numizmatyki
  • Zwrot zamówienia, jeśli uznany organ zakwestionuje autentyczność przedmiotu.
  • Certyfikat autentyczności podpisany i datowany na życzenie klienta
  • Autoryzacja NumisCorner przez główne stowarzyszenia i towarzystwa klasyfikacyjne
  • Zdjęcie rzeczywistego przedmiotu - to, co widzisz, jest tym, co dostajesz
  • Opcjonalna gradacja jest dostępna po dodaniu monety do koszyka.
  • Wszystkie przedmioty kolekcjonerskie o wartości przekraczającej 500 euro objęte są bezpłatną oceną.

Upoważnienia międzynarodowe

Jesteśmy członkami głównych międzynarodowych organizacji numizmatycznych

  • American Numismatic Society (ANS n°11680)
  • American Numismatic Association (ANA n°3175551)
  • Asian Numismatic Society (ANS)
  • International Bank Note Society (IBNS n°11418)
  • Paper Money Guaranty (PMG n°3721)
  • Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS n°1048758)
  • Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC n°3721)
  • Oficjalny sprzedawca Monnaie de Paris
USA, Dollar, 1983, San Francisco, Srebro, MS(63), KM:209

Dostawy i zwroty

Wszystkie informacje dotyczące dostawy zamówienia

Opcje i koszty dostawy

Warunki dla zwykłego listu:

  • Za granicą: €4,95 jeśli zamówienie jest poniżej €150.
  • We Francji: €4,95, jeśli zamówienie jest poniżej €50.

Warunki dla listu poleconego:

  • Za granicą: €4,95 jeśli zamówienie jest powyżej €150.
  • We Francji: €4,95 jeśli zamówienie jest powyżej €50.

Warunek wysyłki ekspresowej:

  • Dla wszystkich miejsc przeznaczenia: €25 dla wszystkich zamówień.

Czas dostawy

Robimy wszystko, co w naszej mocy, aby jak najszybciej wysłać Twoje zamówienie, zapewniając zawsze najwyższy poziom bezpieczeństwa. Przesyłki te wiążą się ze specjalnymi środkami administracyjnymi wynikającymi np. z waluty lub miejsca przeznaczenia.

W większości przypadków, zamówienie jest wysyłane w ciągu dwóch do pięciu dni roboczych po zweryfikowaniu płatności.

Należy pamiętać, że 100% artykułów zawartych w naszym katalogu znajduje się w magazynie i jest dostępnych do natychmiastowej realizacji.


Każde zamówienie jest w 100% ubezpieczone do momentu dotarcia do Ciebie. Oprócz ubezpieczenia transportowego wszystkie nasze przesyłki są objęte polisą w prywatnej firmie ubezpieczeniowej specjalizującej się w numizmatyce. Jak tylko płatność zostanie zweryfikowana, otrzymasz e-mail z linkiem do śledzenia przesyłki i wszystkimi informacjami dotyczącymi dostawy.


Możesz zmienić zdanie i zwrócić zamówienie w ciągu 30 dni.

Po sprawdzeniu monety otrzymasz pełny zwrot pieniędzy za zakupiony towar.

Towar należy zwrócić w zabezpieczony sposób, w oryginalnym stanie i oryginalnym opakowaniu, w którym został dostarczony, oraz za pośrednictwem odpowiedniego przewoźnika, który poda numer przesyłki.

Jeśli nie jesteś w 100% zadowolony, możesz zażądać pełnego zwrotu pieniędzy.

USA, Dollar, 1983, San Francisco, Srebro, MS(63), KM:209

Informacje dotyczące płatności

Kupuj z zaufaniem w

Twoje dane osobowe są chronione, szyfrowane i zabezpieczone.

Metody płatności

Akceptujemy następujące metody płatności:

  • Paypal
  • Karty kredytowe (Visa, Mastercard, Carte Bleue)
  • Przelew bankowy
  • Czek
  • Kredyt Paypal dla Stanów Zjednoczonych, Wielkiej Brytanii i Australii

Opcje płatności

Płać w ratach: 3-miesięczne plany płatności są dostępne dla wszystkich zakupów powyżej 1 000 euro. Usługa ta jest świadczona bezpłatnie. Aby dowiedzieć się więcej, skontaktuj się z nami.


Wszystkie transakcje na stronie internetowej są chronione, a informacje o płatnościach są szyfrowane w bezpiecznym środowisku.

Twoje zamówienie zostanie wysłane dyskretnie, w neutralnym opakowaniu, w 100% ubezpieczone i z możliwością śledzenia przesyłki.

USA, Dollar, 1983, San Francisco, Srebro, MS(63), KM:209


Masz pytania dotyczące tego przedmiotu?

Odpowiemy tak szybko, jak to możliwe po otrzymaniu wiadomości!

Wraz z tym przedmiotem kolekcjonerskim nabywasz także :


Silver can fall into your pocket but also falls between copper and gold in group 11 of the periodic table. Three metals frequently used to mint coins. There are two good reasons for using silver: it is a precious metal and oxidizes little upon contact with air. Two advantages not to be taken for granted.

Here is thus a metal that won’t vanish into thin air.

It’s chemical symbol Ag is derived from the Latin word for silver (argentum), compare Ancient Greek ἄργυρος (árgyros). Silver has a white, shiny appearance and, to add a little bit of esotericism or polytheism to the mix, is traditionally dedicated to the Moon or the goddess Artemis (Diana to the Romans).

As a precious metal, just like gold, silver is used to mint coins with an intrinsic value, meaning their value is constituted by the material of which they are made. It should be noted that small quantities of other metals are frequently added to silver to make it harder, as it is naturally very malleable (you can’t have everything) and thus wears away rapidly.

The first silver coins probably date back to the end of the 7th century BC and were struck on the Greek island of Aegina. These little beauties can be recognized by the turtle featured on the reverse.

The patina of silver ranges from gray to black.

Good to know:

The millesimal fineness (or alloy) of a coin indicates the exact proportion (in parts per thousand) of silver included in the composition. We thus speak, for example, of 999‰ silver or 999 parts of silver per 1 part of other metals. This measure is important for investment coins such as bullion. In France, it was expressed in carats until 1995.

An “MS(63)” quality

An “MS(63)” quality

As in numismatics it is important that the state of conservation of an item be carefully evaluated before it is offered to a discerning collector with a keen eye.

This initially obscure acronym comprising two words describing the state of conservation is explained clearly here:

Mint State(63)

This means – more prosaically – that it is very unlikely that the coin has circulated, even among few and careful hands. Traces of any manipulations are practically imperceptible and no patina or other form of oxidation has altered the object’s brilliance.

United States of America

United States of America

  • Geographical location: North America
  • Current political regime: Constitutional republic with presidential and federal regime
  • Current capital: Washington, D.C.

Brief history

From the exploration of the territory by various European countries from the 16th century to the 13 colonies behind the founding of the country at the end of the 18th century, there were Spanish expeditions to the South, encounters and negotiations with the local Native Americans – sometimes peaceful, sometimes far less so – French settlements in New France on the Northeast coast and beside the Mississippi, Dutch and English in the East, Russians in the West…a disparate patchwork which would prefigure the future materializing little by little. Ultimately, it was the British who would carve out the lion’s share for themselves first of all and drive the Dutch and French out of the East and North of the territory.

The Thirteen Colonies extending all along the East Coast, from Massachusetts to Georgia, quickly shook off the yoke of the British administrative supervision and proclaimed their independence in 1776. The American Revolutionary War, led with France as an ally (did anyone say revenge?), was finally won in 1783. The separation from Canada, which remained loyal to the Crown, was enacted, and the brand new country drew up a constitution.

Next, an unprecedented period of territorial expansion westward began. In 1803, Louisiana was purchased from the French. Further territories were also ceded by Spain, for example Florida. In 1848, the Mexican-American War permitted them to annex the Southwestern United States. This expansion was largely to the detriment of the indigenous tribes, despoiled of their lands and sometimes simply massacred by the army as in the case of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1890.

In the mid-19th century, there were three sets of territories in the United States: the Northeast with its urban tendencies and on the road to industrialization; the South with its plantations and system based on slavery; and the still wild West. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln, an opponent to slavery, was elected president and seven Southern states, a little later eleven, decided to secede from the Union. The resulting American Civil War lasted from 1861 until 1865. It concluded with the abolition of slavery and victory for the Union.

In 1912, the admission of Arizona and New Mexico to the Union brought the intraterritorial expansion to an end. The United States were complete. In the 20th century, following a frantic race to industrialization and an exponential dynamic thanks to immigration, the U.S. established its status as a world power by joining the Triple Entente in 1917.

Then came the roaring twenties and prohibition, followed by the Great Depression, Roosevelt’s New Deal, World War II, and, in the 1950s, global influence, consumer society, and the advent of the middle classes. Not to forget the Cold War and the Iron Curtain. The 50s (finally) saw an end to segregation. But it would not be without problems. In the 1960s, the Baptist minister Martin Luther King fought for equal rights, before being assassinated in 1968.

The first Catholic president would never have expected it – John Fitzgerald Kennedy lost his life, assassinated in Dallas in 1963. He was succeeded by Lyndon B. Johnson, who spearheaded a campaign on the war on poverty. However, it was another war that reared its ugly head: the Vietnam War. Not long after, the Watergate scandal besmirched the reputation of both the White House and President Nixon. Closer to the present day came another war, the War in Afghanistan, following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Then Iraq.

In 2008, 40 years after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Barack Obama became the first African American to be elected President of the United States of America.


In the 17th century, the monetary system in the Thirteen Colonies was quite unstable. Too poor for an exclusive monetary system, the reference therefore remained for the most part, under the influence of Great Britain, the pound sterling, the shilling, and the penny, even though there were multiple currencies in circulation.

During the American Revolutionary War, bills of credit, (paper money in dollars which could not be converted to silver) were issued. In 1779, Congress introduced the Continental dollar. At the time, the word dollar referred to a Spanish peso or piece of eight coin. It is therefore possible that the dollar symbol derives from there and represents a graphic distortion of the number 8.

From 1787, only Congress retained the right to mint coins and define their value. Federal banks had the right to issue paper money on the condition that it be convertible to metal currency upon request.

The Coinage Act, passed in 1792, brought with it clarity. The unit of currency was officially the dollar ($), based on a bimetallic (gold and silver) system and a decimal system for its subdivision into cents. One dollar at that time was worth 371.25 grains of silver and 24.75 grains of pure gold. The coins were minted by the Mint of Philadelphia (The Mint).

The quotation on gold and silver fluctuated over time. The first “greenback” was issued in 1861. Some banknotes issued by the federal banks proved to be inconvertible, while others, such as the silver certificates, could still be converted into silver. Over the course of time, this confusion regarding the convertibility of the banknotes would give rise to a number of banking panics. 1913 saw the creation of the Federal Reserve System (Fed), the central bank charged with regulating the circulation of currency on the basis of a gold standard.

The dollar remains the currency of the United States up to the present day. There are 1 dollar, half dollar (50 cents), quarter (25 cents), dime (10 cents), nickel (5 cents) and cent (1 cent) coins available. In addition, there are $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 bills in circulation.

Great inventions

Among other things, the U.S. Americans invented the lightning rod (Benjamin Franklin, 1752), bourbon (Eliza Craig, 1789), the revolver (Samuel Colt, 1835), the telegram (Samuel Morse, 1844), the telephone (Graham Bell, 1874), the phonograph (Edison, 1878), the zipper (Judson, 1891), and even Tupperware (Earl Tupper, 1945).

Painting: "View of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C." by A. Meyer (1860)

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n. Commemoratives