Coin, Aulerci Eburovices, Hémistatère "au sanglier"
1st century BC - Evreux
Stylized profile to left, below, a boar reversed.
Stylized horse to right, above, a charioteer, below, a boar sign turned to the right and in front of the horse, a beaded and pointed ring.
Remarkable specimen for this type both perfectly entered and preserving a very interesting relief on the portrait. One must keep in mind that the dies are always slightly scyphate on this type and that consequently the obverse undergoes a much faster wear than the reverse or in the case of a flat flan. Unfortunately, the flan broke at 2 to 4h (9 to 11h for the reverse). However, it has spared all the interesting details of the coin, in this case, the boar sign under the portrait on the obverse, the second one under the horse on the reverse as well as the beaded and pointed ring in the right field; these details are mostly out of focus or truncated.
3.15 gr
An “EF(40-45)” quality
As in numismatics it is important that the state of conservation of an item be carefully evaluated before it is offered to a discerning collector with a keen eye.
This initially obscure acronym comprising two words describing the state of conservation is explained clearly here:
Extremely Fine
This means – more prosaically – that the coin has circulated well from hand to hand and pocket to pocket but the impact on its wear remains limited: the coins retains much of its mint luster, sharp detailing and little sign of being circulated. Closer examination with the naked eye reveals minor scratches or nicks.