Numismatics & Philately

Warning: stampede ahead*
Every medal does not always care for its rough edges, but there is only one stamp (oops, step) between perfection and perforation.
If the TV show producers think they invented the concept of crossover, they are wrong. Numismatists and philatelists have been enjoying it for a long time.
The stamps representing coins, for instance; Greece, which issued a series of stamps depicting antique Olympic coins for the 2004 Athens games… But also for the medals, that don’t carved in stone but in metal the figures posted and stamped repeatedly. Let alone the famous and colorful postage stamp currencies mentioned in a previous article.
You will thus find a numismatic selection of philatelic figures engraved on medals to collect free from any limitations.
*Yes, this one was easy, but we couldn’t help it.
Illustration: “Hamilton U.S. Revenue stamp for beer tax, $2 per Hogshead” by National Bank Note Company (1871) (Public domain)